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What You Can Expect On Your First Float

Table of Contents
  • Overview of the Cuyahoga River
    • What Floating the Cuyahoga River Offers
  • Getting Ready to Float
    • Before Setting Out
    • Respecting the Wildlife
  • Finishing Up Your Journey
  • Key Takeaways

Overview of the Cuyahoga River

Welcome to Float the River! We’re thrilled to invite you on an exhilarating journey along the picturesque Cuyahoga River in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio. Situated in the very heart of this remarkable region, the Cuyahoga River presents a backdrop that is not only visually stunning but also steeped in rich historical significance. Witness the incredible transformation this river has undergone throughout the years as you embark on an unforgettable adventure with us.

As outdoor enthusiasts, we understand the allure of the Cuyahoga River for those seeking thrilling water activities and serene natural beauty. From fishing and boating to kayaking and tubing, this majestic river caters to a wide range of interests. We provide tube, kayak, and cooler tube rentals, allowing you to leisurely float down the gentle current, immersing yourself in the breathtaking surroundings.

At Float the River, we believe that the Cuyahoga River is an unparalleled destination for summer fun and outdoor recreation in Northeast Ohio. Its rich history and stunning natural beauty make it one of the most scenic rivers in the region, attracting visitors from all corners who seek a cool and refreshing adventure on the water.

What Floating the Cuyahoga River Offers

Embarking on a voyage down the Cuyahoga River with us opens up a world of exhilarating possibilities, allowing you to immerse yourself in the splendor of Northeast Ohio’s stunning natural landscapes. Prepare to be captivated by the sheer beauty and diversity that this remarkable waterway has to offer.

But the adventure doesn’t end with the river itself. The Cuyahoga River also grants access to a wide range of other activities and attractions. Its water trails guide you through Northeast Ohio’s most scenic locations, offering opportunities for hiking, biking, and birdwatching. Just a short distance from the river, the Cuyahoga Valley National Park boasts numerous hiking trails that lead you through awe-inspiring natural beauty.

Here at Float the River, we firmly believe that floating the Cuyahoga River is an essential experience for those seeking to immerse themselves in the captivating natural splendor of Cuyahoga Falls. Whether you’re seeking a serene escape or an opportunity to marvel at the wonders of nature, this remarkable river offers it all. Prepare to be enchanted as you embark on a journey of discovery along the picturesque waterway.

Getting Ready to Float

Before embarking on your float trip, it’s crucial to take some time to prepare. Wear suitable clothing, such as a swimsuit or quick-drying clothes, and don’t forget to bring sunscreen, a hat, and sunglasses to protect yourself from the sun’s rays. It’s also a good idea to wear water shoes or sandals with a secure strap to ensure proper foot protection while walking on the riverbed or getting in and out of your tube or raft. Flip-flops and sandals without backs aren’t permitted.

Additionally, make sure to pack essentials such as a water-resistant bag or dry bag to keep your personal belongings safe and dry. Consider bringing a waterproof phone case or a waterproof pouch to protect your electronic devices. Please note that we do offer personal flotation devices (PFDs) or life jackets as well, but you may bring your own if you wish as long as it is US Coast Guard approved!

In our commitment to preserving the pristine beauty of the Cuyahoga River and its surrounding environment, we have implemented strict guidelines to prevent littering. As part of our eco-friendly initiative, single-use items such as plastic/glass bottles, chip bags, and plastic bags are not permitted during the float. We encourage you to bring your snacks and beverages in reusable containers. If you happen to forget yours, don’t worry! You can purchase reusable drink containers at our gift shop before you begin floating. Not only will this help you during your float, but it also enables you to continue avoiding single-use items long after your river adventure. Together, let’s make a positive impact on our environment and embrace sustainable practices.

Before Setting Out

When planning your trip, check the weather forecast and water conditions. It’s best to avoid floating during periods of heavy rain or high water levels, as they can significantly impact the river’s currents and pose potential hazards. We will tube rain or shine, but if lightning is nearby or the river is displaying unsafe conditions, we will close.

There is also lots to do in Cuyahoga Falls on Front Street after your float! Take some time to look at the surrounding businesses and do some shopping or grab a bite to eat. That being said, please note that you will not be permitted to exit the river onto the river bank to do shopping or eat during your float session, as much of the land along the river is privately owned. 

a group of people holding a sign

Respecting the Wildlife

While enjoying your float down the Cuyahoga River, remember to respect the natural environment and wildlife. Keep the river clean by disposing of any trash properly and avoid disturbing or damaging the flora and fauna you encounter. Take the time to appreciate the beauty of the surroundings, listen to the sounds of nature, and capture unforgettable memories through photographs on a waterproof camera.

Finishing Up Your Journey

Finally, prioritize safety throughout your float trip. Be mindful of your surroundings, especially in areas with potential obstacles. If you encounter any difficulties or emergencies, remain calm and seek assistance.

Floating the Cuyahoga River with Float the River promises an incredible adventure filled with natural beauty, exhilarating experiences, and cherished moments. By preparing adequately and respecting the river and its surroundings, you can ensure a safe and memorable journey down one of Ohio’s most captivating waterways.

So, gather your friends and family, embrace the spirit of adventure, and get ready to float the Cuyahoga River with us!

Key Takeaways:

  1. Preparation is key: Before embarking on your float trip, ensure you have appropriate clothing, footwear, sun protection, and water-resistant gear for your personal belongings.
  2. Safety first: Bring your own personal flotation devices (PFDs) or inquire about our options. Check the weather forecast, river conditions, and any local regulations or restrictions to ensure a safe experience.
  3. Respect the environment: Keep the river clean, respect wildlife, and minimize your impact on the natural surroundings. Capture memories through photos while appreciating the beauty of nature.
  4. Stay vigilant: Be aware of your surroundings, especially in areas with potential obstacles. Follow the instructions and guidelines provided by Float the River.
  5. Stay calm in emergencies: If you encounter difficulties or emergencies, remain calm and seek assistance. Maintain composure and follow proper safety protocols.

a small boat in a body of water


By keeping these key takeaways in mind, you can ensure a safe and enjoyable float trip down the Cuyahoga River with Float the River.

Float the River With Us

At Float the River, we are passionate about providing unforgettable experiences and fostering a deep appreciation for the natural wonders of the Cuyahoga River. We invite you to join us on a journey of adventure, relaxation, and connection with nature. Our knowledgeable guides and top-quality equipment ensure a safe and enjoyable outing for individuals and groups. As you embark on this remarkable voyage, let the beauty of the Cuyahoga River captivate your senses and create lasting memories. Come float with us and discover the magic that awaits. Your unforgettable river adventure starts here.